Wineries, Breweries, Entertainment & Vendors
In addition to the Virginia Wineries listed below we also have an International Wine Booth located in the pole barn in the Wine Village. Hosted by the fine folks from Bon Vivant Market - Smithfield and the Smithfield Rotary Club.
Don't forget, once you find your favorite wine you can purchase to drink at the festival, along with buying some to take home (unopened) with you from the festival!
Don't forget, once you find your favorite wine you can purchase to drink at the festival, along with buying some to take home (unopened) with you from the festival!
2025 Breweries:
Do your tastings and decide what you like. Then you can purchase brew by the cup or fill one of our SVAE Logo Growlers. Bring one you got at one of our other events, or get a new at the drink ticket booth in the Brew Village. Just remember, ALL GROWLERS MUST ENTER AND EXIT THE EVENT EMPTY.
Bud Lite & Michelob Ultra
(no tastings)
(no tastings)
Located in both the Brew & Wine Villages
Located in both the Brew & Wine Villages
2025 Entertainment Schedule, Food Vendors & Retail Vendors:
Amphitheater Stage: 11:00 - 1:30 Monarch 2:30 - 5:00 Brasswind Brew Village Stage: 11:00 - 1:30 Mount Summitt Band 2:30 - 5:00 Island Boy Manor House Lawn Stage: 11:00 - 1:30 Paul Urban (solo) 2:30 - 5:00 Karl Werne |
RETAIL VENDORS: Smithfield VA Events Merchandise is located at two booths (one in the Wine Village and one in the Brew Village). Other Retail Vendors are located in the Wine Village: Peanut City Candle The Sterling Peacock Mako Custom Creations Hunger Sauces |