Agreements & Info - BOB Fest Sponsorships
If you would prefer to call and do this over the phone, call Gina at 757-869-0664.
If you would prefer to call and do this over the phone, call Gina at 757-869-0664.
This page & agreement submission IS ONLY FOR those who have already been contacted by Fest Director and have a Private Party Area, VIP table, Sponsor table or Small Business sponsorship reserved for BOB Fest. If you are just inquiring, see our Sponsorships - All Types page.
BEFORE YOU BEGIN READ the (3) ITEMS BELOW: 1) COMPLETE AGREEMENT TO CONFIRM - the button is inside the gold box. deadline Nov 16th. Review the info that was included in your email for your type of sponsorship, price, # tix included and # tix available for you to add in. 2) EXTRA TIX - You must reserve them either when you fill out your on-line form if you don't know yet, you have until Nov 26th. 3) REVIEW EVENT POLICIES FOR SPONSORS. You will have to check a box when you fill out your agreement that says you understand our policies. We want you to know festival rules and what happens if there is a cancellation and our refund policy. Please see info boxes below for details. It has different refund policies pending whether the cancellation is covered or not covered by our catastrophic cancellation insurance policy. Review Event Policies for Sponsors: (see boxes below)
Basic Rules - BOB Fest:
We take enhanced health and safety measures for you, our volunteers, performers, and staff. We will follow any local, state or federal mandates that are in place at the time of a festival/event. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 (or any other illness) exists in any public space where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. By attending any of our festivals or events, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19, variant strains of it or any other illness/virus that may exist. Please follow the current CDC recommendations on determining what the guidance is for your specific situation. Refunds are not given for illness or being quarantined, but you are welcome to transfer your tickets to someone else. There also is a chance if restrictions change elements of the festival may have to change or be altered to accommodate. Check back closer to the event to see what if any protocols might be in place. They will be listed on the festival page. If the event is held, even with modifications or mandated restrictions, no refunds are given. Rain or shine Policy:
NO REFUNDS. If the event is held, or starts and has to evacuate, we do not offer refunds. A little uncomfortable weather is not cause for a cancellation. Sometimes, due to weather or some type of mandate, we may have to alter or make necessary changes to be able to hold an event or are unable to hold the entire event (for example if we have to evacuate the site). If you choose not to attend for any reason, there is not a refund. It also isn’t feasible with all the scheduling involved with bands, vendors, and volunteers to have a rain date. Cancellations:
WHAT MIGHT CAUSE A CANCELLATION? Usually cancellations are due to unsafe weather conditions, or something else that endangers public safety. Our catastrophic cancellation insurance policy covers us for most of these situations, but it doesn't cover every scenario and some things are not even insurable. For example, it doesn't cover some types of terrorist acts, covid, other communicable virus/infection or impacts from wildfires. We only cancel if there is a concern for public safety. If cancelled, what is refund policy for Sponsors?
If covered by insurance: You will receive a full refund for the original sponsorship and any extra tickets or pre-ordered beverages. You might have the option to roll it to the next year. It can takes weeks or a couple/few months to work out the settlement with the insurance company. We will process refunds as soon as we can, but it will likely be weeks after an event. If not covered by insurance: We will do our best to honor same refund policy listed above with insurance coverage, but pending the time-frame of a cancellation and many other financial factors, we may only be able to refund a portion of your sponsorship or ask that you roll it to next year's festival. The upfront costs and two-week set up time for BOB Fest with the huge tents and heaters is crazy. Depending on the timing of a cancellation, we may have to pay in full to many of our vendors. We will do the best we can if it is not covered by insurance, but there is a chance that you will not get a 100% refund. |
DEADLINE to submit Sponsor Agreement is NOV 16, 2023.
Add in extra tix now, or let us know by Nov 26th. Click button above to complete on-line OR call our Fest Director, Gina and she can take it over the phone. 757-869-0664. Click below to view or print the Sponsor Info Sheet for more details about your sponsorship. |